Error Code
Http Status
http status | description |
200 | Success |
400 | Incorrect or missing parameters |
401 | Missing Authorization |
403 | Invalid Authorizataion |
429 | Rate Limiting |
500 | Internal Error |
Response Status
Cube API error code is comprised of 3 parts:
app code | module code | error code |
CB | 00 | 0000 |
code | description |
CB-00-0000 | Success |
CB-00-0001 | Start time is later than end time |
CB-00-0002 | End time is earlier than request time |
CB-00-0003 | Start time is too far from request time |
CB-99-9400 | Invalid parameters |
CB-99-9401 | Authorization missing |
CB-99-9402 | Missing parameters |
CB-99-9403 | Authentication failed |
CB-99-9500 | Internal call error |
CB-99-9999 | Internal serivice error |
CB-01-9999 | SIM validation error |
CB-02-9999 | Bundle validation error |
CB-04-9999 | SMS validation error |
module code = 01
code | description |
CB-01-0001 | SIM does not exist |
CB-01-0002 | IMEI does not exist |
CB-01-0003 | SN does not exist |
CB-01-0004 | This operation is not supported for OTA SIM |
CB-01-0005 | This operation is only supported for OTA (BIP) SIM |
CB-01-0006 | SIM does not belong to this organisation |
CB-01-0101 | SIM is already activated |
CB-01-0102 | No valid bundle is found for the SIM |
CB-01-0103 | SIM information error |
CB-01-0104 | Failed to activate the SIM |
CB-01-0105 | No bundle is in use for the SIM |
CB-01-0106 | This operation is not supported for this SIM due to MNO restrictions |
CB-01-0107 | This operation is not allowed in the current status |
CB-01-0108 | SIM status is pending - in activation; operation not allowed |
CB-01-0109 | SIM status is pending - in deactivation; operation not allowed |
CB-01-0111 | Last request is being processed; operation not allowed |
CB-01-0200 | Failed to suspend |
CB-01-0202 | Failed to order bundle - incompatible with SIM |
CB-01-0204 | Operation not allowed for expired or terminated SIM |
CB-01-0300 | Last request is being processed; operation not allowed |
CB-01-0302 | Duplicate SIMs |
CB-01-0310 | Request by request_id not found |
module code = 02
code | description |
CB-02-0002 | Bundle type cannot be daily |
CB-02-0003 | Specified bundle does not exist |
CB-02-0004 | Bundle speicified by bundle id does not match with bundle type |
CB-02-0005 | Bundle can't be ordered via API |
CB-02-0006 | Ordered cycles exceed maximum cycles allowed for the bundle |
CB-02-0007 | Bundle is no longer valid |
CB-02-0008 | Bundle is not assigned to the organisation; permission denied |
CB-02-0101 | No available bundle to switch to |
CB-02-0102 | Mutiple bundles in use |
CB-02-0103 | Order bundle exception |
CB-02-0104 | Failed to order bundle |
CB-02-0200 | No bundle available |
module code = 04
code | description |
CB-04-0001 | Insufficient SMS quota |
CB-04-0002 | SMS service is off for the organisation |
CB-04-0200 | Job by job_id not found |
CB-04-0206 | SMS message type not supported for the SIM |
Last modified: 2 年前